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   The Hungarian Ichthyological Society is the common organization of researchers involved in ichthyological investigations in natural water-bodies, and of other citizens with the intention of doing something for the good of our waters and our fish. The main objective of the Society is to stimulate faunistical, ecological, protective and fisheries investigations on fish species inhabiting natural waters of the Carpathian basin, as well as popularization of scientific results and experiences in this field and at the same time protection and enhancement of fish stocks in natural waters. We also make it our duty to propagate general knowledge, promote cultural traditions and care of Hungarian ichthyological language.

About society

  The operative and coordinative body of the Society is the presidency of 5 members.
Members of the presidency are:
dr. Ákos Harka (chairman) /
dr. Lajos Juhász (vice-chairman) / as well as
dr. Sándor Alex Nagy, Zoltán Sallai, Zsolt Szepesi (members).
  Website editor: dr. László Antal (secretary) / and
Krisztián Nyeste /


     Táncsics str. 1., H-5350, Tiszafüred, Hungary

     +36-52-512-912  /László Antal, secretary/

     +36-70-946-0833  /László Antal, secretary/

Magyar English


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