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Fish Riddle - The page edited by Krisztián Nyeste

Which species is seen on this picture?

   On this page of our website we propose to test the knowledge of fish species in the form of a riddle. During the year 12 times we will present a picture of a fish autochthonuos in the Caprathian basin the species which should be identified. We ask the participants to send the following data: name, country, city and the name of the species according to Fishbase or Fish Fauna of Hungary book.
   Following every round we will publish the proper answer.

Answers of riddle of January on this site (till midday of 07. 02. 2020.):

Riddle of January

Riddles, answers and winners of 2020

Riddles, answers and winners of 2019

Riddles, answers and winners of 2018

Riddles, answers and winners of 2017

Riddles, answers and winners of 2016

Riddles, answers and winners of 2015

Riddles, answers and winners of 2014

Riddles, answers and winners of 2013

Magyar English


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