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Pisces Hungarici XIV.

  Takács P., Ferincz Á., Imecs I., Kovács B., Nagy A. A., Ihász K., Vitál Z., Csoma E.: Phylogenetic features of some Romanian gudgeon (Gobio sp.) stocks

  Sallai Z., Sallai M.: Changes in the fish communities on the lower reach of the River Körös under the riverdam of Békésszentandrás (2009 and 2019)

  Weiperth A., Bányai Zs., Ferincz Á., Juhász V., Sevcsik A., Staszny Á., Szalóky Z., Tóth B.: Overview of crayfish and fish fauna researches in the Hungarian section of the River Ipoly/Ipel

  Sallai Z., Juhász P.: Data to the fish fauna of water bodies of the Berettyó-Körös region

  Somogyi D., Bodnár B.: Ecological assessment of the tributeries of River Hernád based on fish assemblage

  Tóth R., Bíró Zs., Farkas Gy. B., Zulkipli N., Somogyi D., Antal L., Nyeste K.: Investigation of the fish fauna of Rakamazi-Nagy-morotva with different sampling protocols

  Szepesi Zs., Harka Á.: The several-decade ordeal of the Bene stream due to human impact and its fish community between 2003 and 2017

  Szepesi Zs., Csipkés R.: Impact of the water pollution on the fish fauna of the Bene stream in summer 2019 (Northeast Hungary)

  Kordás S., Juhász L.: The occurence of Eastern mosquitofish of in the thermal water drain of the Kamilla spa in Balmazújváros

  Nyeste K., Somogyi D., Sallai Z., Antal L.: Recent occurrence data of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Carpathian Basin

  Bánó B., Takács P.: Effect of measured variable numbers on the results of morphometric surveys

  Maroda Á., Sály P.: Comparative study of six methods to quantify stream substrate

  Varga J., Józsa V., Fazekas D., Koščo J., Mozsár A.: Angling, as a sampling method: a case study on black bullhead (Ameiurus melas)

  Weiperth A., Czeglédi I., Dragán P. E., Boross N., Erős T., Ferincz Á., Gál B., Juhász V., Lőkkös A., Lőkkösné Kelbert B., Specziár A., Staszny Á., Szivák I., Takács P., Vitál Z., Preiszner B.: Current occurrence of crayfishes in Lake Balaton and its drainage basin

  Udvari Zs., Györe K.: Fish species pool of the Ráckeve (Soroksár) Danube Branch (1902-2020)

  Telcean I., Cupşa D., Togor A., Drimbea M.: The thermal brook Peţa (Pece) as shelter for wintering of fish species in lower Crisul Repede (Sebes-Körös) River Basin

  Activity of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society in 2019

  Guide for authors of the Pisces Hungarici

  Full version of Pisces Hungarici XIV


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