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Pisces Hungarici III.

  S. Wilhelm: In memoriam Petru Bănărescu

  B. Elek: The criminal aspects of poaching

  Zs. Szepesi, Á. Harka: Fish fauna of the Kis-Sajó watercourse

  K. Keresztessy, G. Beliczky, G. Kiss: Data to the Fish Fauna of the Mura River at Letenye

  Á. Harka, Zs. Szepesi, L. Nagy: Faunal survey on the fish community of Marcal River

  Á. Poór, L. Juhász, G. Fazekas: Datas from fish community of Belfő-canal

  K. Györe, V. Józsa: Changes of the distribution patterns of zingel (Zingel zingel) and streber (Z. streber) in the upper Hungarian reach of River Tisza as a result of a cyanide pollution of Romanian origin

  B. Halasi-Kovács, T. Erős, Á. Harka, S.A. Nagy, Z. Sallai, B. Tóthmérész: Fish-assemblage-based ecological classification of Hungarian rivers

  Á Harka, R. Csipkés: Data to the fish fauna of the River Bodrog

  Z. Sallai, K. Györe, B. Halasi-Kovács: The fish fauna of fhe Hungarian part of Lake Fertő according to the literature data and our investigations (2003-2008)

  Á. Harka, Z. Lengyel, P. Sály: Data of the first-year growth of the fish fry in the littoral zone of the Tisza Lake

  L. Antal, R. Csipkés, Z. Müller: A fish stock survey on a few water bodies of the Kis-Balaton area

  S. Wilhelm, K. Györe, G. Ardelean: Survey of fish community in the Zazár (Săsar) River

  F. Demény, L.G. Zöldi, Zs. Deli, G. Fazekas, B. Urbányi, T. Müller: Artificial propagation and rearing of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) in the interest of natural stock maintenance

  A. Weiperth, Á. Ferincz, Á. Staszny, G. Paulovits, K. Keresztessy: Occurrence and population dynamics of protected fish species in streams of the Tapolca basin

  P. Sály, T. Erős, P. Takács, I. Kiss, P. Bíró: Fish assemblage types and their character species of small watercourses on the water basin of Lake Balaton: habitat type indicators and species assemblage indicators

  J. Horváth, Cs. Palkó: The effects of the rehabilitation works on the fish populationin the Láhn-stream in the western region of Hungary

  Zs. Szepesi, Á. Harka: The effect of the yearly gradation of ide (Leuciscus idus) in 2005 on the fish communities of streams

  A. Mozsár, L. Antal, G.Zs. Lövei: The fish fauna of backwaters situated in the Tiszavalk basin of Lake Tisza and the evaluation of the natural conservation value

  Á. Harka, Zs. Szepesi: Investigation on the fish fauna of the right-side tributaries of Hernád River

  Correction to the paper entitled The system of faunacomponents conception and itsapplication to qualify the degree of naturalness of fish assemblages (Péter SÁLY, Pisces Hungarici 1. p. 93-101.)

  Activity of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society in 2006-2008 (Ákos Harka)

  Members of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society in 2009

  Full version of Pisces Hungarici III


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