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Pisces Hungarici VII.

  Harka Á., R. Sanda, Halasi-Kovács B.: Appearance of a new invasive gobiid species in the Tisza river: the Caucasian dwarf goby [Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916)], and first results of morphological and genetic study of the population

  Sallai Z.: The regeneration of the fishfauna of the Marcal river and Torna stream after redmud-pollution in 2010

  Györe K., Józsa V., Gál D.: The possibility of using crayfish traps for sampling littoral fish assemblages of water courses

  Keresztessy K., Farkas J., Sevcsik A., Tóth B., Vad Cs. F., Weiperth A.: Effects of habitat rehabilitation on the fish fauna of the Öreg-turján peatland at Ócsa

  Szepesi Zs., Harka Á.: Lifespan and growth of Sabanejewia bulgarica in River Tarna (Hungary) based on mark-recapture data

  Szendőfi B.: Some data of the summer activity and nutrition of burbots based on aquarium observations and analyses of their belly contents

  Potyó I., Weiperth A., Guti G.: Diurnar changes in samples of electrofishing in the Danube section upstream of Budapest and its tributaries

  Ács B., Specziár A., Boczonádi Zs., Urbányi B., Müller T.: Feeding of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L) in the littoral zone of Lake Balaton

  Kati S., Mozsár A., Árva D., Cozma N. J., Czeglédi I., Antal L., Erős T., Nagy S. A.: Feeding ecology of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) in a lotic and lentic habitat in Hungary

  Harka Á., Szepesi Zs.: Investigation of the fish fauna in the drainage system of the Eger Brook (Eastern Hungary)

  Mozsár A., Boros G., Boros T., Antal L., Nagy S. A.: Seasonal variations and relationhips of phosphorus content, lipid content and condition factor of three fish species

  Weiperth A., Staszny Á., Ferincz Á.: Occurrence and spread of non-native fish species in the Hungarian section of River Danube - A Historical review

  Tóth N., Lupsán R., Juhász P., Gyüre P., Juhász L.: The population of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) endangering the fish stock in the Hortobágy Fish Farm Co.

  Telcean, I. C., D. Cupsa: A new and peculiar habitat type used by - Chondrostoma nasus (LINNAEUS, 1758) - in the lowland Crişuri River drainige (NW-Romania)

  Hajdú, J., L. Pekárik, J. Kohout, A. Kohoutová, J. Kosco: Ichthyofauna of Rimava River basin

  Skovranová, L., J. Kosco, J. Kocisová, L. Smiga: Ichthyofauna of Torysa River in stream profiles of planned small hydroelectric power plants

  Farsky, M., J. Hajdú, L. Pekárik, J. Kautman: On the occurence of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) in Slovak–Hungarian section of the Danube

  Telcean, I. C., D. Cupsa: The drastically decline of fishfauna in thermal lake "Baile 1 Mai" (Baile Episcopale, Bihor County, Romania)

  Activity of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society in 2012

  Members of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society

  Guide for authors of the Pisces Hungarici

  Full version of Pisces Hungarici VII


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