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Pisces Hungarici IX.

  Takács P., Erős T., Specziár A., Sály P., Vitál Z., Ferincz Á., Szabolcsi Z., Molnár T., Csoma E., Bíró P.: Population genetic structure of European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) stocks in Hungary

  Harka Á., Szepesi Zs., Sallai Z.: Spreading of the tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris), the monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) and the Caucasian dwarf goby (Knipowitschia caucasica) in the water system of the River Tisza

  Szepesi Zs., Csipkés R., Hajdú, J., Györe K., Harka Á.: Fish fauna and spatial distribution of fish communities in river Hernád/Hornád

  Tamás V., Nyeste K., Papp G., Antal L.: New data to growth of the Perch (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758)

  Wilhelm S., Ardelean, G.: The fish fauna of Agriş and Almaş streams (Romania, Sălaj country)

  Weiperth A., Tóth B., Sevcsik A., Keresztessy K.: Fish faunistical data sampling in two streams of the Visegrád Mountain

  Kovács Z., Juhász L.: Studying of a fish pass on the River Öreg-Túr near Nábrád (Eastern Hungary)

  Takács P., Maász G., Vitál Z., Harka Á.: Aquarium fishes in the outflow of the thermal Lake Hévíz

  Weiperth A., Csányi B., Gál B., György Á. I., Szalóky Z., Szekeres J., Tóth B., Puky M.: Exotic crayfish, fish and amphibian species in various water bodies in the region of Budapest

  Antal L., Harka Á., Sallai Z., Guti G.: TAR: Software to evaluate the conservation value of fish fauna

  Szendőfi B.: Use of videocamera as supplementary device in fish-faunistical survey of small waters

  I. C. Telcean, D. Cupşa: Captive populations of fishes in the Crişul Repede River (Tisa River Basin)

  A. Bajić, S. Sipos, Lj. Pejčić, F. Demény, S. Sokoray-Varga, T. Müller, B. Miljanović: Rearing Danube salmon - Hucho hucho (L. 1758) - in controlled environment during early juvenile stage

  Á. Harka, Zs. Szepesi, A. Bajić, S. Sipos: First record of the invasive Caucasian dwarf goby - Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916) - in Serbia

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